Castle ruins in Rapsztyn, Poland

Castle ruins in Rapsztyn, Poland

hill tree tower medieval famed historical greenery ruins green rocks travel view rocky landmark castle history scenery grass summer poland outside old sights clouds building woodlands countryside historic legends forest famous architecture weather mountain outdoors exteriors scenic country tourism ancient background nature environment tranquil vacation europe landscape watchtower hilly rapsztyn
File Details
Published: 11/13/2017 Rating:
Category: Arts and Architecture, Travel, Europe, Forts and Castles, Ruins Viewed: 554 Downloads: 0 Model release: NoProperty release: No

ID : 35970
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Original size8 USD or Credits


JPG: 7360x4912px @ 12.80 Mb.

Ruins of a castle lying on the Jurassic-Czestochowa Jurassic, built in the system of Eagle Nests in the 14th century

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